Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bridging Cultures continued

The rest of our bridging cultures program was phenomenal. We spent a day doing adventure excursions. I chose zip lining back in the fall. We walked through some native bush and also learned about some issues with them. The opossum, rat, and stout are the three top pests. A portion of every canopy tour goes to preserving the forest and terminating pests. They showed us how they handle pests and it seems to be the most humane way possible. 

The next day we planted trees and helped clear out some more forest of non-native invasive plants. I've learned that almost everything that settlers brought from home thrives in New Zealand and grows excessively, becoming extremely invasive. It felt wonderful to give back to this community and feel like I was actually helping with a big issue. 

Above is my friend Abbey and I 
Below is Noelle, Melissa, Kelly, a girl going to Canterbury, and myself. Going through these experiences with these girls has made everything that much better. 

You can see how big these elephant ear plants can get and how this is obviously a problem. After we were done saving the planet we had the opportunity to go to the beach. There was a hiking path to the top of the mount that a bunch of us decided to take. 

It wasn't the greatest hike but the view was wonderful and we were able to swing by the beach afterwards. 
It was an amazing day and I saw my first sheep up close and personal on the hike! This was the first day I felt like I was actually  in New Zealand. I have already learned so much since I have arrived! I can't wait to share the rest of my stories with you.