After many attempts I finally fit all of my belongings into a 50-lb checked bag and a 15-lb carry-on. I was shocked by the restrictions on baggage through Air New Zealand but it all worked out.

After a year of planning I'm finally leaving! Today was filled with busy airports, crowded planes, overpriced food,
and meeting a tom of new people.

I met a guy, Tyler, heading to the Dunedin as well when I was at the Denver airport. We met Abbie once we landed in San Francisco, another Otago student. It was extremely helpful to finish this journey with a few new friends. By the time we started boarding 4.5 hours later there was at least thirty students studying abroad in New Zealand all meeting eachother. The plane is gigantic!

It is ten seats wide all together! I met a very nice couple going on vacation during this 14-hour flight, watched a few movies, and slept a bunch. They served dinner two hours in...

And breakfast at... I'm not sure I have no sense of time anymore!

But I'm in!! And the journey begins. Thanks everyone who has supported me this far!